how much data does a GPS tracker use

Where to Hide a GPS Tracker on a Car

Where to hide a GPS tracker on a car
Photo Credit: mohamed Hassan,

Right before we delve into the intricacies of the technology of GPS tracking devices and where to hide a GPS tracker on a car in view of your covert operation, let us first understand what GPS trackers are, and how they function.

Introduction to GPS Tracking Devices

The acronym GPS means global positioning system. The GPS is a satellite-based radio-navigation system. This system is basically owned and operated by the Unites States Space Force. Other countries have also developed their own global navigation satellite systems to break the monopoly.

Uses and Various Applications of GPS trackers and GPS Technology

Its main function is to provide geographical location and time related information to a GPS receiver located anywhere in the world.

The information receivable by a GPS is subject to the presence of obstacles such as mountains or high rising buildings along the line of sight of four or more GPS satellites.

In its operation, it does not require the user to manually transmit data, but rather transmits data automatically and independently of any internet reception. Internet technology however enhances the usefulness of the GPS information positioning.

The GPS has gained wide spread applications in several spheres of life. Broadly speaking, their applications are classified into civilian and military applications.

The military applications of GPS are quite broad and involves its use in national security and war related issues. The license for such applications is limited and subject to the approval of the United States Department export licensing.

On the other hand, the civilian applications are also vast and includes uses in astronomy, cartography, cellular telephony, clock synchronization, radio occultation, fleet tracking, geo-fencing, geotagging, vehicle automation and vehicle tracking etc.

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As important and as wide as these applications are, our interest here is only limited to vehicle tracking.

GPS in Vehicle Tracking Applications

where to hide a gps tracker on a car
Photocredit: Mike,

Vehicle tracking system comprises of the use of automatic vehicle location in individual vehicles with the use of specially designed software that collates these fleet of data for a precise and comprehensive picture of vehicle movements and locations.

Modern vehicle tracking systems use GPS or its alternative technology for detecting the location of vehicles. The GPS allows the Vehicle information to be viewed on electronic maps via the Internet or specially designed software.

This practice is now common with urban public mass transit authorities who are in increasing need of vehicle tracking systems in large cities to keep a tab on the routes of their vehicles and keep their drivers in check. If this typifies your business needs, you can get such GPS devices on Amazon.

GPS tracking devices are installed in vehicles to monitor the location and other vital information. When used by individuals, the purpose is for security against theft, and unauthorized usage.

However, on the basis of function, they are classified broadly into active and passive tracking devices.

The passive type of tracking device stores the speed, location, heading and sometimes, some on/off triggers. These stored data cannot be accessed remotely until the vehicle reaches a designated location where the tracker is retrieved and the data copied into a computer for onward processing.

The active trackers differ in performance from the passive trackers in that the data acquired by the tracker can be accessed remotely with appropriate devices. The data obtained by active trackers are real time data.

Modern day GPS trackers combine both the active and passive attributes in their function. Since GPS trackers relay information via cellular networks, the supply of real time data is possible.

However, in localities where such networks are not available, it saves the data internally and relays them when the network becomes available again.

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This is where the concept of the combined functions of the active and passive tracker systems becomes useful.

Trackers are installed as small boxes in vehicles. Some of these trackers are self-powered, while the rest are connected to the vehicle electrical system.

Since one of the purposes of installing GPS trackers is to mitigate against theft and other security related issues, it may not be a good idea to place GPS trackers in areas where they are easily seen.

Irrespective of the reason for installing the GPS tracker, it becomes imperative that they are placed in an inconspicuous location.

Once the tracker is found, or the persons involved discovers that they’re being tracked, your device will be broken, and a family conflict could arise courtesy of that if used to monitor an untrusted family member.

More so, certain areas in the vehicle are rather too hot, or isolates the device from cellular networks.

So, the real question that arises often among GPS tracker users is, “where do I hide a GPS tracker in my car?”.

Where to hide a GPS tracker on a car – Basic Tips

where to hide a GPS tracker on a car

If you are faced with the challenge of deciding where to hide your GPS tracker in your car, it is important to note that there are a variety of locations to choose from. However, in finding that perfect hidden location for your GPS tracker, it is important that the GPs’ small antenna is not hindered from transmitting the much-desired information.

Some of the ideal positions for your GPS tracker are:

  1. Under the dashboard
  2. Inside the glove compartment
  3. Inside the speaker
  4. Inside the seat pockets
  5. Under the brake light cover
  6. Inside the grill behind the radio
  7. Inside the rear or front bumper
  8. Inside the car seat cushion
  9. In the sun visors (This is not entirely the best of locations but might just suffice)
  10. Behind the back seat
  11. Above the pedals
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When choosing the location for your GPS tracking device, there are number of tips to consider. In putting the GPS device around the undercarriage of the car, it is important to place the GPS close to the edge of the carriage, so that the antenna could still receive signals from the satellite.

For this instance, the antenna should be pointing downwards. More so, when hiding the GPS tracking device within or below the dashboard in front of the car, ensure that the tracker is still capable of transmitting information accurately. This is because the radio may interfere with the transmission of the GPS.

If you wish to hide the GPS tracker inside the car, ensure you don’t put it around areas where the driver could likely keep their mobile phones. First, the signals from the mobile phone would likely interfere with those of the tracker and such positions could easily compromise your operation.

GPS tracking devices should never be kept in places that are subject to high temperatures. Such places include the front grill of the car bumper. The heat produced around here could melt the device cover and possibly damage the device. In addition to this, this particular location usually receives weak GPS signals.

It is generally not a good idea to hide your GPS tracker in between seats. This location is where people usually search for any of their misplaced items. I am certain you really don’t want this to happen.

Important things to consider in making a choice of a GPS tracker

First, ensure that the GPS tracker is small in size. This reduces the chances of it being discovered.
A GPS tracker with a magnetic cover is a good buy. This gives the advantage of easy adherence to metallic parts of the car. So, you don’t have to bother about it falling off and messing the entire operation up. This type of GPS tracker is available on Amazon.

Look out for GPS trackers that have highly sensitive motion sensors. This is important because the GPS tracker is activated by motion. This is because the tracker is only active when the car is in motion. Thus, if the motion sensors are very sensitive, it helps in saving power. This class of GPS devices are available in online stores.

Lastly, find a GPS tracker with a long battery life. The longer the battery lasts, the lesser the frequency of retrieval for charging.

I hope you find this informative and useful. Here also is a video that demonstrates the point.

Buy your GPS Tracker with Magnet Case on Amazon

You can also learn more about GPS trackers here.

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